Sentence dictionary
battle of changsha (1944)
in a sentence
battle of changsha
The fighting continued in the Third Battle of Changsha from December 1941. It was next sent as reinforcement to the first Battle of Changsha but was never engaged. 6th Military Region was ...
first battle of changsha
It was next sent as reinforcement to the first Battle of Changsha but was never engaged. 6th Military Region was reactivated a second time in October 1939, after the first Battle of Changs...
the battle of changsha
General Fang personally participated in the Battle of Taierzhuang, the Battle of Changde, and the Battle of Changsha. After the outbreak of the Xinhai Revolution, Cheng took part in the Wu...
third battle of changsha
The fighting continued in the Third Battle of Changsha from December 1941.
battle after battle
It is like we're winning battle after battle, but losing the war ." The Hutu army lost battle after battle to the Tutsi rebels. "Like the Roman general Pyrrhus, " he said, " they won battl...
battle of battle hill
Detachments of the 99th took part in the Hutt Valley Campaign, seeing action at the Battle of Battle Hill. On 6 August 1846, one of the last engagements was fought the Battle of Battle H...
battle of battle mountain
The subsequent battle of Battle Mountain ended in disaster for the Kalkadoon, who suffered heavy losses. After the 24th's performance at the battles of Battle Mountain and Haman, Kean sugg...
battle of moscow order of battle
I am adding the names and ranks of the Soviet army commanders to the Battle of Moscow order of Battle page, but cannot find any way to add a footnote # as a superscript character.
battle of narva - battle of the tannenbergstellung
The remaining material should be moved to ( if not already covered in ) Occupation of Latvia by Nazi Germany, Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic, Occupation of Baltic Republics ( another PO...
battle of the bulge order of battle
The one at Battle of the Bulge order of battle is probably a bit excessive, but maybe a table showing divisions assigned to the various corps, etc?
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